Unilag Balloting is Tomorrow: UPDATE

 We announced the UNILAG balloting procedure last week, and finally, the time is here. Every year, we have done everything possible to maintain a transparent process in helping as many UNILAG students as possible to ballot for bedspaces.

This year, it is no different. But, we have good news and bad news. 

In case you do not know how to ballot, read our guide on how to ballot.

After our last post,  we got so many feedback and have come with a decision. We would be balloting for only three people, who will get bedspaces before noon tomorrow (27th October, 2021). These three people booked for balloting first.

Once that is done, we will open only 10 slots for smart students who need bedspaces and were unable to get for themselves, for a fee.

How will you know when we open the slots? Join our Whatsapp Group chat

Till then, we wish you goodluck and see you tomorrow by God's grace!

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