Why UNILAG Forced All Students To Go Home And When School Will Reopen

Some weeks ago, the University of Lagos directed all her students to go home and all physical academic activities to close. In fact, there was an outrage because the students were only given a 24 hour deadline (which was later extended by another 24 hours). But today, you will find out why!

Why did the school management force everybody to go home? Why did lectures not continue physically? Why would the Senate organize an emergency meeting and make this decision? Until now, many students did not know. But here is why


Truthfully speaking, there are two reasons why UNILAG students were asked to go home.

On the 14th of July (when this directive was given), students were asked to go home. Why?

Few days before the day of the meeting and announcement, UNILAG was trending on Twitter. The school was trending because there were few cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19 found in some hostels and amongst some members of staff. Wherever these cases were discovered, the people affected were given attention, asked to isolate and contact tracing was initiated.

However, students were concerned that the school did not communicate directly with them, or keep them updated. In fact, many students genuinely felt that the authorities were 'sweeping it under the carpet'.

A decision had to be reached fast to prevent a fresh outbreak of the Delta variant of COVID in the school, and to save the school image that was at risk, due to the negative trend, and the fast spreading offline rumours.

Physical vs Online Learning

We can't say which is better - until we receive your comments to this post. Some students say they prefer online learning, while other students have missed lectures, paroles, their relationships, fellowships and other activities.

Our Take : How is The School Environment Now?

Personally, I would say that school is not the same again. Nowadays, only few people are around school as physical academic activities have been brought to a complete halt. Online lectures is a mixture of amazing lecturers doing well, and the 'wonderful' ones who just drop materials for students to either study, cram or ignore.

When Will Unilag Resume Physical Activities?

Honestly speaking, we cannot say. UNILAG will most likely ask students to come back anytime from next year, if things get better. 

For now, there are many questions on the mind of everyone. If you have a question about UNILAG/school/admission, please comment below. Thank you!

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